w hello Friend this circuit is about blinking LED without any ic i am using BC547 transistor you can use any NPN or PNP transistor what you have just connection will different so make your connection is no falt if any faltu or you conect wrong way then circuit will not worl even some time transistor or led may also damage so there is lot of resion are there not working so make sure connection correct if you have any problem then comment down bellow thanks for Watching
Simple Transistor Project ( You Can also called Not Gate) In this articles i am going to teach you how to make simple bc547 transistor project using few electronic components Matrial require:- 1. BC547 Transistor *1 2. Resistor 150k *1 3. 3V LED What colours you want *1 4. 3.7V Battery also you can use 5v smps Circuit Diagram How this Circuit work In Simple language You know that bc547 transistor is the NPN transistor and NPN transistor need positive volts in base to conduct. So, most of transistor NPN transistor, you would need a base voltage (V_base) of around 0.9 to 1.0 volts to fully open the transistor. In this circuit you can see that we give positive volt through 150k resistor. And you can see that switch is directly connect through negative volts. ...
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